7 October 2017 - District Superior's Letter
Since the 13th century numberless favors have been bestowed on Christendom through the devotion of the Holy Rosary.
The District Newsletter keeps you up to date on the latest news and events around parishes and schools. Read how the District is developing as well as practical and spiritual exhortations from the superior himself.
Since the 13th century numberless favors have been bestowed on Christendom through the devotion of the Holy Rosary.
Second communique released after the meeting of major superiors, details of the upcoming rosary crusade announced by the Society’s superior general, Bishop Fellay and news of changes within the district
The month of November is especially dedicated to the remembrance of the faithful departed.
Dear Friends and Benefactors, You are probably aware of the Synod dedicated to the Family being held this month in Rome. Toward this our Superior General, Bishop Bernard Fellay recently sent a petition to Pope Francis asking for a clear, firm statement defending marriage and the family, which you have here in full.
As we rejoice in the Resurrection, may “the peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
In a solemn declaration the Council of Trent tells us that Christ instituted the Mass: “In order that He might leave to His beloved Spouse a visible sacrifice by which the bloody sacrifice once offered on the Cross might be represented, and its memory remain to the end of time.” (Sess. XXII).
The month of August marks an important celebration for the Church and especially for our little Society of St Pius X. The 20th of August will mark the centennial anniversary of the death of our patron Pope St. Pius X.
As we enter Holy Week, we once again have the opportunity to contemplate the infinite Love of God; sending His only begotten Son to suffer and die for our salvation. As we do so we cannot help but be moved to sorrow; for it is our sins that have caused this suffering. Indeed, if we desire the forgiveness of our sins and hope for salvation, we must have this sorrow, we must have this contrition.
We live in a time of ever changing moral standards (e.g., who would have imagined 100, 50 or even 20 years ago that there could be a debate about the definition of marriage!). The main reason for this is the false principle that the majority rules; what the majority wishes to do, that is the moral law. Or at most we are told that economics, or biology, or psychology should be the sole guides in shaping human conduct.