Why should I attend a retreat?
Why attend a retreat? Here are some answers to consider:
You have converted recently, and you thirst to learn more about the Catholic Faith that is now at the center of your life.
You want to learn how to live as a good Christian in the world. Attend a 5-day Ignatian retreat: there you will get the straight answers you seek.
You’re burdened with sin and don’t know how to deal with it. There is an answer for you: the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. There, you will find the strength and weapons for victory.
You’ve been a Catholic a long time, even your whole life. Now you feel that your practice of religion is becoming routine. At times, you even have doubts about the Catholic Faith or Tradition. You really need to straighten out your life before it’s too late: so attend a retreat soon!
You’re about to make important decisions that will affect your career, the future of your family, or the education of your children… A retreat will give you the best opportunity to make the right decision, putting everything in the right place. Take time to think about such decisions during a good retreat!
You want to become more fervent and improve your spiritual life: you need the Spiritual Exercises. It is a proven method, approved by the Church and recommended by many saints.
And in answer to some common excuses:
- “But, I have no time!” Actually this isn’t true: if you really want to come, you will find the time. This is a very serious matter: the eternal salvation of your soul. If you review your schedule, you will find a 5-day timeframe that can work for you.
- “But, I am not very educated!” That doesn’t matter: like the preaching of Our Lord, the Ignatian Exercises can be grasped by all men.
- “Others may need a retreat, but I don’t.” Are you so sure you will become a saint? Retreatants have frequently told us afterwards that they had no idea how much they needed their retreat.