SSPX Legion of Mary: FAQs

"My soul doth magnify the Lord and my spirit has rejoiced in God my savior.”

Frequently Asked Questions

So what is the aim of the legion?

The legion aim is the spreading of Christ’s kingdom under the patronage of Mary. Nothing more, nothing less. To this end, active legionaries devote themselves to carrying out spiritual works of mercy. The auxiliaries support the active legion through the recitation of the legion prayers- both active and auxiliaries working together for the success of the legion project.

What are examples of legion works?

        •       Visiting nursing homes;
        •       Visiting the homeless;
        •       Visiting prisons;
        •       Disseminating Catholic literature and sacramentals;
        •       Etc.

Difference between active and auxiliaries

Active members perform the active legion works and attend the weekly meeting for the purpose of reporting on the performance of that work. Auxiliaries support the active members, by undertaking to pray daily the legion prayers.

How can I join?

You can begin by visiting a Legion Meeting as a guest and observe its workings from the inside. If you wish, you can also perform a work assignment. Membership does not require great talents or intelligence or confidence in your abilities; only the willingness to sacrifice a little time and effort for the greatest reason of all: the love of God.

Who can join?

Any Catholic over 18 who is:
1. Faithfully practicing the Catholic faith;
2. Animated by the desire to participate in the Church’s apostolate;
3. Willing to fulfill the required duties. Junior branches for those under 18 are also available.

Is the Legion a secret society?

No, the Legion is not a secret society. Secret societies are banned by the church, as such if the legion were a secret society it would not have received the universal backing of the Church as it has had since its inception. So what is meant by the 4th of the standing instructions? The secrecy contemplated under rule 4 is of the same nature as exists between an professional and their client. Lawyers can’t share secrets with the public that they have received in the course of the lawyer-client relationship, neither can doctors. In the course of the apostolic mission legionaries inevitably come into possession of sensitive information, for example, if the legionary visits a lapsed Catholic, the lapsed Catholic commonly confides in the legionary. It would be the greatest breach of trust if this was disseminated at large. The extent of disclosure allowed is confined to the meeting forum where the legionaries strategise and pray for the return of that soul.

What actually occurs at the legion meeting?

The meetings are structured formally, they commence with all members reciting the  Rosary. The president then reads a small section of the legion handbook, members will have an opportunity to discuss this later in the meeting. Minutes from the last meeting are read, amended and signed. Vice president and treasurer give their reports. All members then give a report on the works they accomplished during the week. A discussion is had on the handbook reading, each member has the opportunity to provide input and discuss the reading. Following this, the Catena is recited and an allocutio is given by the president. This is a brief talk that outlines or clarifies elements of the handbook. The president then individually allocates works to members. The concluding prayers are recited and the meeting is closed.