The January intention is to thank God for the graces received by the SSPX over the past 50 years.
Dear Crusaders and Friends,
A story is told of a king who in a playful moment handed his wand to his favourite jester saying, “There, keep that until you find a greater fool than yourself.”
Time passed. One day the king fell ill and was about to die. Seeing his jester among the attendants, he called him to his side. “I’m going to leave you. I am going on a journey.”
- “A short one, I suppose, your majesty?”
- “No, a very long one.”
- “But, your majesty will soon return?”
- “I shall never return,” answered the king.
- “ Of course, you have sent your baggage ahead and all is in readiness for your arrival?”
- “No, I have sent nothing, and though I knew I would go on this journey for many years now, still I have made no preparation whatsoever. I am not ready,” was the king’s sad answer.
- “What? Going on a journey from which there is no return? And nothing sent before you? And nothing ready? Please take this wand which your majesty has given me. I have found a fool greater than myself.”
My dear Crusaders, you are young and the journey of this sad king will not be yours until many years have passed. But certainly you can begin now to prepare yourself. You can send on your baggage of prayer, sacrifice, communions and apostolate. You can ready yourself by the practice of virtue and growth in sanctifying grace. And though the journey is a long way off for you, there are thousands and thousands of souls that will leave on that journey today. As a Crusader of the Eucharist, you not only look after your own soul, you have also pledged to help your Divine King and His Mother in the task of saving poor abandoned souls.
Send, then, your prayers and sacrifices and communions and apostolic work to Jesus and Mary. Send them to me as well in your treasure charts. I will send them on to Fr. Pagliarani, who, in his turn, will send them on to heaven at the Mass he offers every month in union with your treasure totals.
Once again I remind you of the opportunity, especially during the holidays, to send in your treasure chart by email. Just ask your parents to send a picture of it to: [email protected].
Yours in Jesus & Mary,
Fr. Benjamin Campbell