The June intention is to make reparation for sacrileges against the Holy Eucharist.
Dear Crusaders and Friends,
By the time you receive this magazine, you should all be back to school and, more importantly, back to church on Sunday. If this is not the case, then I call upon all you Crusaders of the Eucharist to storm heaven with prayers, sacrifices, spiritual communions, and apostolate. When Holofernes was coming to attack and destroy the Jewish nation, the priests caused little children to be brought before the altar of God in Jerusalem that their cries might move the good God to spare them. Let us do the same. God loves your innocent and fervent hearts. Your cries are more precious in His sight than the cries of us sinful adults. Your cries are your prayers, your sacrifices, your communions (sacramental or spiritual), and your good example. You have certainly been doing these four things faithfully during the last couple of months, cooped up at home. But now I ask you to do these things specifically for the Freedom of the Church.
The intention for this month is reparation for sacrileges against the Holy Eucharist. Very well, now you have two intentions for June: reparation for sacrileges against the Holy Eucharist and for the Freedom of the Church. Be generous during this month offering all you do to the Sacred Heart of Jesus to obtain these two intentions. Remember, we don’t just want the churches open, but completely open so everyone can come. Sacred Heart of Jesus hear our prayers, sacrifices, commuions and apostolate. Deus vult!
Yours in Jesus & Mary,
Fr. Benjamin Campbell