The August intention is for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Dear Crusaders and Friends,
Among the debts or obligations we have to God, the most important are:
- To praise and honour the infinite Majesty of God, worthy of honour and infinite praise.
- To satisfy divine justice for our sins.
- To thank Him for benefits received.
- To ask Him for all the favours and help we need.
These debts and obligations cannot be paid or fulfilled by our efforts alone. Even if you spent your whole life on your knees adoring God, even if you did all the penances practiced by the saints, even if you suffered all the torments of the martyrs, even if you rivalled all the saints in the practice of prayer and meditation, it would still not be possible for you to satisfy the debts you have contracted with God.
But what the whole human race together cannot obtain, the Holy Mass can do.
And, in fact, the four ends for which the Mass is offered correspond to these four debts or obligations that we have towards God. With a Mass you can adore and honour the infinite Majesty of God, just as it deserves to be honoured. Secondly, you can thank Him, proportionate to the benefits received from His Providence. Moreover, you can fully and justly satisfy for all your sins, whatever their gravity, to the extent that God disposes: and not only for yours, but also for those of all souls, even those in Purgatory, for whom it constitutes the best consolation and relief. Finally, with the Mass, you can obtain all the graces suitable for yourself and others.
You see, then, that you should try to assist at Mass every day, if possible, or as often as you can. You should do this not only because of its infinite dignity and excellence, but also because of how much it suits you. Also, because of the infinite fruits of which you receive by devoutly assisting at Mass.
Now, not all of us can attend Mass every day, but we can send our guardian angel.
O holy Angel at my side go to the Church for me.
Kneel in my place at Holy Mass where I desire to be.
At Offertory in my stead take all I am and own
And place it as a sacrifice upon the altar throne.
At holy Consecration's bell adore with Seraph's love,
My Jesus hidden in the Host come down from Heaven above.
And when the Priest Communion takes, O bring my Lord to me,
That His sweet Heart may rest on mine and I His temple be.
Pray that this Sacrifice Divine may mankind's sin efface:
Then bring me Jesus' blessing home, the pledge of every grace.
Yours in Jesus & Mary,
Fr. Benjamin Campbell