The intention for the month of May is for purity of body, mind and heart.
Dear Crusaders and Friends,
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia! You may have noticed this word repeated over and over again at the Masses since Easter. It is sung, it is read, it is even included in the Regina Coeli prayer that takes the place of the Angelus three times a day.
You may have wondered what in the world it means and why it is repeated so often. Alleluia means “Praise the Lord!”, and it is repeated so often because we have just commemorated a most amazing mystery of our Faith.
Our Lord was dead and then he wasn’t dead. We all have to die one day, but Our Lord has promised that we too will rise from the dead. We all are subject to the thing that causes death, that is sin, but Our Lord has paid the price of our sins and has purchased redemption for us.
While we all have to combat sin in this life and have to die one day, we no longer have to fear them. Jesus is able to pardon any sin we fall into. Jesus is able to raise us from the dead and bring us to heaven. Don’t you want to say: “Praise the Lord!” “Alleluia”
Don’t wait to go to Mass or to say the Regina Coeli to say this prayer. During this Easter season add it to your morning and night prayers; add it to your meal prayers; add it to your rosaries and spiritual communions. We Crusaders of the Eucharist have prayer as our first weapon in the fight to help Jesus save souls. Use this one word prayer frequently to honour the risen Jesus, Our Lord and Saviour. “Praise the Lord!”
Yours in Jesus & Mary,
Fr. Benjamin Campbell