Bulletin of the Eucharistic Crusade for Children in Australia
Dear Crusaders and Friends,
“I feel like having a snack.” “I don’t feel like going for a walk.” “I feel like playing a game.” “I don’t feel like going to bed.” I feel, I feel, I feel. Isn’t that what we say a hundred times a day; a thousand times a week. It seems as if feelings are the reason we do things or don’t do them. One month a Eucharistic Crusader might “feel” like filling in his treasure chart, another month he may not “feel” like filling it in. One week a Crusader may “feel” like making a spiritual communion every day, another week he may not “feel” like doing so. Come, come, come now; that cannot be the way a Eucharistic Crusader serves his King and Queen.
Look at your King, did He “feel” like being born in stable? No, but He still wanted it. Did He “feel” like waiting 30 years to start preaching? No, but He still wanted it. Did He “feel” like getting a scourging and crowned with thorns? No, but He still wanted it? Did He “feel” like dying on a cross? No, but He still wanted it.
Look at your Queen? Did she “feel” like making a long journey in winter when she was pregnant? No, but she still wanted it. Did she “feel” like fleeing into Egypt? No, but she still wanted it. Did she “feel” like watching her Son suffering and dying? No, but she still wanted it.
Can’t you see that there is a difference between feeling and wanting. Many times we only want something because we feel like it. Many times we don’t want something because we don’t feel like it. Yet, Jesus and Mary always wanted things because God wanted them. It didn’t matter if they felt like it or not, they always wanted God’s will, which is unchanging.
If you really want to follow your King and Queen, you must first stop following your feelings. You must then remind yourself of “why” you are wanting something. “I want this because it is God’s will.” “I want this because it will help save souls.” “I want this because it unites me more to Jesus, my King.” “I want this because it will please God.”
Sometimes you will “feel” like doing what you “want” to do for God. Well then, thank God for making it easy. Sometimes you will not “feel” like doing what you “want” to do for God. Well then, lift up your mind to Jesus and Mary and ask of them the help to carry on even against your feelings.
Let us make this month of the Precious Blood the month where we all fill in and turn in our Treasure sheets because we “want” to do it not just because we “feel” like doing it.
Yours in Jesus & Mary,
Fr. Benjamin Campbell