A Vital Crusade
The following is commentary by Fr. Alain Lorans.
On November 21, 2020, on the feast of the Presentation of Mary, the Society of Saint Pius X launched a prayer crusade for the freedom of the Mass and for vocations. All over the world, rosaries are being recited daily for this vital intention—and this until Maundy Thursday, April 1, 2021.
But who really understands the urgency of this crusade? Who best captures its power? The answers are not what you would think at first glance.
By contrast, there are those who want to confine the Mass of all time, for health reasons, because they fear that the beauty of its sacred liturgy will be epidemic;
Those who wish to prohibit communion on the tongue, for prophylactic reasons, because they fear that the respect due to the real presence is contagious;
Those who try to isolate Tradition, for antiseptic reasons, because they know that it is eminently transmissible, in particular among young people weary of post-decadent post-modernism;
They understand how dreadful a prayer crusade is, with the rosary as its only weapon. It is like David equipped with a mere slingshot, facing a gigantic and grotesque Goliath, to the finish.
The timorous will object that it is an unequal combat, an asymmetric war ... pathetic pretexts that will reject those who know they are in the service of she who is “terrible as an army set in array?” (Ct 6:9).
The crusade or a rout! There is no “middle ground,” only outrageous mediocrity. This is why we recite our rosary every day, of which each grain is a small grain of sand capable of blocking the worst mechanism to crush souls.
This is why we tell our rosary with fervor, like so many small stones capable of knocking out giants.
This is why we meditate on the mysteries of this rosary, of which each Ave is a salute—filial and martial—addressed to she whose Immaculate Heart will triumph in the end.
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(Source : DICI n° 403 - FSSPX.Actualités)
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