St Anne's Mother's Group Newsletter - June 2020
Speak Kindly
Kind words are a great blessing. They soothe, quiet, and comfort. When a kind word proceeds from your lips, it bless-es you and fills others with gladness. If you greet your family with kind words and a cheerful disposition, even though you are at times weighed down by trials, you will put your worries to flight and lift your spirits. As hatred breeds hatred, love creates love. There are many dispositions in people, but there is no one who will not respond to kindness and sympathy. Kind words have converted more sinners than zeal, elo-quence, or learning.
Your spouse or children may sometimes betray bitterness toward you and expect unkindness. Respond with a word of kindness, and the rebellious one will be defenseless and often return the kindness. Each kind word will cost you only a moment in this world but will have an important bearing on how you will spend eternity....