Mexico: Million Stand Strong for Marriage
Christian Action is still strong in our southern neighbor - Throngs of Mexicans recently flooded the streets, some in defiance of the "law".
Over a million Mexicans attended nationwide rallies on Saturday, September 10, 2016, in support of traditional marriage. The protests were directed at President Enrique Pena Nieto's proposal to legalize same-sex marriage. The protesters chanted various slogans, including "Children need a father and a mother!" and "Wake up and defend the family!"
Marco Tulio Mendoza, director of the National Front for the Family, the chief organizers of the protest, said the group recorded 124 marches across the country.
"The purpose is to defend the family; what we are proposing is the protection of marriage and family. The parent has the right to educate their children according to their convictions, and that education be free of ideologies," he said during an interview. A Grand National March is planned in Mexico City on 24 September.
In May, Mexico's President signed an initiative to pave the way for same-sex couples to marry in accordance with Mexican law. The initiative included amending the Mexican constitution and federal civil code to allow marriage without any discrimination "based on ethnic or national origin, disability, social status, health conditions, religion, gender or sexual preference." However, the initiative has yet to take concrete steps to nationwide same-sex marriage since Nieto's party suffered losses in midterm elections in June.
Carlos Alberto Ramírez Ambríz, president of the Dilo Bien International movement and spokesman for the National Front for the Family, said that Peña Nieto “launched an attack against the family thinking that there would be no consequences for their political operations.” “Mexican society is tired of the corruption, impunity and arrogance that the PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party, to which the president belongs) represents in Mexico and that fatigue was seen reflected in the recent elections.”
Same-sex marriage is recognized in certain Mexican states, although it is explicitly banned in Yucatan. The nation's capital, Mexico City, legalized same-sex marriage in 2009.
One more time, Catholics in Mexico even if they rerpresent 83,7 % are not receiving strong support by the bishops or Pope Francis in this defense of the family. Mexico’s Catholic bishops had denounced President Enrique Peña Nieto’s new initiative to reform the constitution and create homosexual “marriage,” but were silent about the immorality of homosexual unions and were even speaking positively about them, despite Catholic teaching to the contrary.
For example, the Cardinal Archbishop of Morelia, Michoacán, Alberto Suárez Inda, rejected homosexual “marriage” and blamed its promotion on international organizations but said it could be “legitimate to recognize [homosexual unions] as social pacts, as unions[.]"
Bishop Samuel Ruiz is in favor of the legalization of the same-sex marriage. Also the Dominican Bishop Raúl Vera López from the Diocese of Saltillo, is known for his views that are openly in contrast with Catholic doctrine. He favors the special rights claimed by LGBT activists and the promotion of abortion. He even called the sodomites “our saviors” who were needed to create a more inclusive Church.1
The Pope himself, in his very cold visit to Mexico in February, did not give any encouragement to Mexicans in their fight against the destruction of the family, but received Bishop Vera in a private meeting and kept him at his side during the whole visit.
On the contrary, the Catholic Bishop of Cuernavaca, Mexico, Bishop Ramón Castro, was notably present at the recent March for the Family in Cuernavaca. Bishop Ramón Castro has been informed that he’s being investigated in response to a complaint by the socialist governor of the state of Morelos, Graco Ramírez, for speaking out against the creation of homosexual “marriage"; he is accused of “homophobia,” according to Mexican news outlets.
“If I go to prison, no problem, I’ll do the work of evangelization there!”