Archconfraternity of St Stephen & Holy Week Ceremonies at Oxley
District of Australia and New Zealand
Luc Rey is the new President of the Archconfraternity of St Stephen. Luc’s first focus will be to lead (with the other MCs) the serving preparations for The Holy Week Ceremonies in Oxley. Men & Boys who would like to serve in those ceremonies are asked to sign up today on “interest sheets” posted outside the church or contact Luc (email: [email protected]; mob: 0455722003).
Holy Week in Brisbane:
- Holy Thursday to Holy Saturday – 7:30am Tenebrae at Park Ridge
- Holy Thursday – 7pm Mass at Oxley; 6pm Mass at Park Ridge
- Good Friday – 1:30pm Stations of the Cross and 3pm Solemn Liturgy at Oxley and Park Ridge
- Holy Saturday –10:30pm Paschal Vigil and midnight Mass at Oxley and Park Ridge
- Easter Sunday – 8am Mass at Oxley
Scheduling Serving for the Sunday Sung Mass & the Daily Low Masses:
Excepting for the liturgical ceremonies of Holy Week, Fr Fox will schedule servers for Sung Sunday Masses & the daily Low Masses. A server should contact Fr Fox by email or text message if he cannot serve as scheduled. [email protected] ; 0437-441-232