Marriage Mission in Rockdale
We will have the great joy of welcoming Fr Ludger Grun, SSPX, to Rockdale for a Marriage Mission, or one might call it a “mini-retreat.” Father is a well-known speaker on marriage, as well as the author of Wine of Cana and Marriage Amidst the Storm.
There will be a series of four conferences given on Oct. 12th, here onsite at Child Jesus and St Joseph Church. It will be an all-day event, so please save the date, find a babysitter and spread the word. Faithful from our other mission chapels are welcome to attend as well. Let’s fill the church (and the hall).
Fr. Ludger Grunn will be preaching an all-day marriage mission at the Child Jesus & St. Joseph’s church in Rockdale on Saturday the 12th of October from 9:00 am till 5:00 pm
Registration is via email: [email protected]
The deadline for registration is the 5th of October.
It is open to couples and also to young adults who hope to get married some day. It costs $40 per couple; $20 per single. The money is to offset the cost of lunch that will be provided.
A collection will also be taken on the day of the mission to offset the cost of Father’s flight.
The bank details for the event are as follows:
Society of St Pius X, Ltd
BSB 012395 Acct #230356299
Reference: "Marriage Mission"